Sally Hansen Hard as Wraps – First Impression

Four years ago I could not paint my own nails. Being a righty, painting my own right hand proved to be the HARDEST thing ever. I am not the type of person who goes to get their nails done often either. Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy it, I just never have the time and I felt that I could and SHOULD be able to do this myself. So, with lots of practice I am now pretty good at doing my nails at home. Confession – I am a nail polish junkie and when I read online that using Sally Hansen Hard as Wraps Acrylic Gel as a base coat to get a quick at home, close to gel mani I was interested.

So off I went to CVS and I bought this product.


Basically, I used this as my base coat and then being a nail polish addict as I said I purchased this gorgeous blue polish from Essie in Aruba Blue.


The post I read said to use Sally Hansen top coat but I chose to use my favorite top coat – Essie Good to Go.

I am going to have to retry this method with the Sally Hansen top coat because my first impression was not good. My nails have never chipped so fast!


I painted my nails on Saturday and this was them on Tuesday! Overall, my first impression was not impressed at all! Though I believe in fairness and will try this base coat again paired with the Sally Hansen top coat and see how that works!